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Science at Warmsworth Primary School


At Warmsworth Primary School we strive to educate children of the impact science has on our lives and on the wider world, to inspire pupils to pursue careers in STEM industries and make their own positive impact on the future, as Citizens of the 21st Century.

We aim to do this by equipping learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to continue to pursue scientific study at Key Stage 3, 4 and beyond.

Our bespoke learning sequence of: vocabulary building, discovery, specific teaching and application, nurtures pupils’ curiosity, encouraging them to be inquisitive, ask questions, test theories and find relationships of cause and effect. 


Science in our Early Years Foundation Stage is based on the EYFS statutory framework and the Development Matters Document and is delivered through both direct teaching and through the provision of high quality areas of learning both indoors and outdoors. These areas allow pupils to explore, investigate and ask questions about various scientific phenomena independently or with adult support to scaffold children's thinking and encourage them to find the answers to their questions.

Aspects of biology, chemistry, physics and working scientifically are taught throughout Key Stage 1 and 2 using our bespoke learning sequence. The science learning sequence is designed to ensure that the National Curriculum objects for science are taught in a systematic and meaningful way through; 

  • Vocabulary Building
    • Our children are exposed to relevant scientific vocabulary through discussion, practical activity or during discovery stage.
  • Discovery
    • Open-ended, practical activities, where our children are encouraged to make discoveries, look for relationships and ask questions. This allows teachers to activate prior knowledge, establish a starting point for teaching the National Curriculum objectives and plan subsequent lessons based on pupils’ initial discoveries and areas of interest.
  • Specific teaching of National Curriculum objectives
    • Adapted based on teacher assessment during the discover session
  • Application
    • Application of their learning either through scientific enquiry or through a piece of cross-circular writing (only if enquiry is not feasible).

We make learning in science inspiring and relevant through;

  • Making explicit links to famous scientist and discoveries in the past as well as current affairs and environmental issues
  • Referencing real-life situations and valuing our children’s own experiences.
  • Cross-curricular links with other areas of our curriculum, particularly maths, design technology, personal education etc. 


Our children speak positively about science and are able to recount practical learning experiences using scientific vocabulary.

Our children are observed to be curious, and inquisitive. They ask appropriate questions and use scientific vocabulary in their answers.

Our children are able to talk about the impact science has on our lives and on the wider world. They are keen to learn about our environment and our Eco- Councillors are striving to make our even more school eco-friendly.

At enterprise events, our children have shown great interest in STEM careers and we are working to make more links with STEM ambassadors in our area. 



Warmsworth Primary School
An outstanding,
inclusive mainstream school setting
for 3-11 year olds.
Mill Lane,
South Yorkshire
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