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Music at Warmsworth Primary School


We are committed to providing musical education and opportunities for all children.

Alongside the 2014 National Curriculum, and the new Model Music Curriculum 2021, it is our aim to develop:

  • Children who have the skills and knowledge to succeed in the 21st
  • Children’s understanding and use of subject-specific words.
  • Children who can sing and use their voices individually and in a group.
  • Children who can create and compose music on their own and with others.
  • The use of technology appropriately when composing.
  • Opportunities for every child to learn a musical instrument.
  • Children who can understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.
  • Children who love listening to live music.
  • Children’s enjoyment of music!


Our scheme of work at Warmsworth Primary School, mainly follows the ‘Kapow’ interactive music programme to support our curriculum delivery.  The Kapow scheme follows the new Model Music Curriculum (March 2021) to ensure that there is a clear progression of learning across year groups. It allows children to learn concepts in an integrated, practical and exploratory way.  Lessons are based on a similar structure throughout school:  firstly practising musicianship skills, then listening and appraising a piece of music, followed by singing, playing instruments, composing or improvising and finally performing.  In the Summer Term in KS2, there is whole class teaching of a musical instrument.  Years 3 and 4 children learn to play the glockenspiel while in Years 5 and 6, children learn to play the recorder.

Music - Whole School Overview (2023-2024)

Sample of music scheme of work

Lessons are adjusted for all learners through content, delivery and outcome.  Children who have gaps in their knowledge will receive appropriate support and intervention to address these and maximise the children’s progress. Children demonstrate their ability in music in a variety of different ways such as singing, musicianship and performing on musical instruments. 

All children in KS2 are given the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with a peripatetic teacher free of charge at school.  They can choose between a guitar, violin, flute, clarinet or brass instrument.  They are also offered the opportunity to attend the Warmsworth Band which is led by a peripatetic teacher and / or the school choir that is coordinated by a member of staff.

Music is an integral part of our school. At the beginning of each assembly, pupils listen to a variety of music from different genres.  Information about the music and composer are shared with the children so they can learn about composers and a variety of genres from different periods of history.

We enhance our provision further through visits and visitors, such as our Annual Peripatetic Teacher Performances and when all our KS2 children recently attended a Percussion Concert at St George's Minster. 

Teachers make informal judgments as they observe pupils during lessons and give oral or written feedback as necessary to inform future progress.  Pupils are also encouraged to make judgements about how they can improve their own work through appraisal activities.  At the end of each year, the teacher makes a summary judgement about the work of each pupil in relation to the National Curriculum, and records whether the child is working at age related expectations, below or above.


We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Talking to the pupils about their learning (pupil voice)
  • Looking at children’s learning in their books.
  • Observing and coaching in lessons.
  • Termly subject impact reports.
  • Annual reporting and tracking of standards across the curriculum.
  • Photo and video evidence of the pupils.

Our children are developing ever greater confidence and eagerness to talk about different styles of music that they listen to using vocabulary acquired in music lessons.

Since we have started to record their music learning in books, our children have become more confident at:

  • Talking with fluency and sharing more infomred opinions about the differetn styles of music they have listened to
  • Explaining the meaning of different musical vocabulary
  • Demonstrating what they understand about musical notation. 

Our children are enthusiastic about music in our school.  They show a high level of pride in their learning particularly when performing music to others. Many pupils are also thrilled when they are given the opportunity to learn how to write music. 

In addition to regular class music lessons, over 125 children are currently receiving small group musical instrument lessons with peripatetic music teachers once a week, which is having a big impact on their understaning of notation and perfroming.  We also have a thriving Warmsworth Band and Choir that take great pride in performing regularly to parents and pupils in assemblies.

Our children love to perform and relish the opportunity to display their skills during presentations to both children in school and their parents, the Christmas nativities, KS2 Production and Year 6 Leavers Event. 

Through quality first teaching, guidance and effective feedback, almost all our children achieve Age Related Expectations (ARE) at the end of Key Stage 2, with several children progressing further and achieving greater depth (GD).

By the end of Key Stage Two, children leave our school prepared for the next step in their musical education and will have gained a long-term, deep and adaptable understanding of music.


Our Warmsworth Band

Our children regularly have the pleasure of being entertained by our Warmsworth Band.

Warmsworth Band Nov 2021.jpg

Our children regularly perform.  Here are a few photos of a recent concert.




Warmsworth Primary School
An outstanding,
inclusive mainstream school setting
for 3-11 year olds.
Mill Lane,
South Yorkshire
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