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Maths at Warmsworth Primary School


We are committed to developing life-long learners who are proficient in the use of mathematics to enable them to access life and be successful in the 21st Century.

Alongside the 2014 National Curriculum, it is our aim to develop:

  • Children who have the skills and knowledge to succeed in the 21st century with ever-growing technology opportunities. As career opportunities and technology enhancements are made we are ensuring we equip children with the appropriate skills to succeed in later life.
  • Children who are numerate and proficient with all aspects of maths. We aim to develop children who have a fundamental understanding of maths that can be applied to their daily life and enable them to access better education and employment opportunities.
  • Children who have the practical skills to use their maths knowledge in the wider world outside of the context of a maths lesson.
  • Children who are able to work collaboratively in their maths learning using Kagan strategies.
  • Children who have a strong conceptual understanding of models and images and resources remain key to securing understanding and fluency.
  • Children who are confident in mathematical reasoning  with focused mathematical talk central to maths lessons.
  • Children who can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering.

Maths Knowledge Progression for Early Years Foundation Stage

Addition and Subtraction Knowledge Progression

Maths and Calculation Policy


Please find below our Curriculum overviews for each year group:

F1 Maths Curriculum Overview

F2 Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 1 Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 3 Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 6 Maths Curriculum Overview


We ensure that all children receive high-quality first teaching in order to succeed in mathematics. The strong subject knowledge and understanding of our teachers enables children to make at least good progress in maths.

We deliver a mastery approach to the teaching of maths. The key principles for our mastery approach are:

  • Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.
  • The large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace, emphasising deep knowledge and providing individual support and intervention, as required.
  • Children are articulate in explaining and justifying their thinking when answering questions.
  • Children have opportunities to work both collaboratively and independently

 We teach the required elements of the National Curriculum 2014, and beyond. Pupils gain the understanding of the mathematics relevant to their year group, so that their learning is built upon in subsequent years.

Our long term curriculum map, based on White Rose Maths, outlines when mathematical knowledge, in unit blocks of work will be taught and revisited in year groups and key stages. This is the basis for our well-sequenced and progressive curriculum. We ensure the small steps are sequential and build upon prior knowledge matching to the National curriculum. Our curriculum uses the sequences provide from White Rose Maths, but we ensure there is flexibility when required to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of our children.

Every class from EYFS to Year 6 follows our curriculum based on the White Rose scheme of learning and the National Curriculum. Lessons may be personalised to address the individual needs and requirements for a class but coverage is maintained. Through mathematical talk, children develop the ability to articulate and discuss their thinking.

Our Calculation Policy – based on White Rose Maths - outlines in more detail which concepts and procedures / strategies will be introduced and then developed.

Our weekly planning is based on White Rose Maths which is further tailored to the needs of our children. We use many practical resources throughout the school to support learning and teaching and ensure children are exposed to multiple representations of a concept. This is part of our Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach, which is central to our school’s approach to the learning and teaching of maths. We implement our approach through high quality teaching, delivering appropriately challenging work for all individuals. To support this, we have a range of physical mathematical resources in classrooms including Numicon, fraction representations, Base10 and other concrete equipment. Alongside children using concrete equipment, images and diagrams are used to provide a pictorial depiction. Abstract maths relies on the children deeply understanding a concept and being able to use their knowledge and understanding to answer and solve maths without equipment or images. All children across school access concrete and pictorial resources, both to support learning and to deepen understanding.

 We use a range of supplementary resources to support the learning and teaching of mathematics.

In order to further develop the children’s fluency, reasoning and problem-solving, we use Maths Shed and Mathletics to further develops children’s understanding of a concept and demonstrate the links between maths topics. We also use a range of planning resources including those provided by NRICH to enrich our maths curriculum. ‘I See Reasoning challenges’ are also used across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two in order to provide children with the opportunity to develop their reasoning skills. In order to prepare for the Year 4 multiplication check, children have access to Mathsframe to test their rapid recall of the tables. Teachers plan opportunities where children can experience outdoor learning, opportunities to develop skills from other subjects that, where possible, will link learning to the local context.

We provide further support and focussed interventions for all pupils, as required. We employ a specialist maths teacher to both work with pupils on an individual needs and small group basis. This provides pupils will the opportunity to embed basic skills required to make accelerated progress. Pupils regardless of their ability, are targeted for intervention if required. Our specialist maths teacher also develops and coaches staff to ensure high-quality learning and teaching for all children.

In order to advance individual children’s maths skills both in school and at home, we utilise Mathletics and Mathsframe for multiplication practice, application and consolidation. Partnered with this, we teach a landmark number approach to times tables, allowing children to not only recall facts quickly but to use their deep understanding in wider areas of maths. The development of times tables knowledge begins in EYFS and continues throughout school, with a particular focus in Year 4 to be prepared for the Multiplication Tables Check.

Maths home-learning is set weekly to support children to maintain their skills. In EYFS, home-learning is not set weekly, but the children have their own number keyring to learn number recognition to 20, ordering numbers and one more one less than a given number.

Whilst we teach Maths in progressive distinct domains (units of work) we recognise that Maths is an interconnected subject. Therefore, we encourage children to make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Children also apply their mathematical knowledge across the curriculum, and particularly in Science, where relevant.

We regard talk in Maths as important and introduce mathematical vocabulary in an age-appropriate way. We encourage children to verbalise their thinking; our teachers ensure that pupils build secure foundations by using discussion to probe and remedy their misconceptions.

Through our teaching, we continuously monitor pupils’ progress against expected attainment for their age, making formative assessment notes where appropriate and using these to inform our teaching.

Summative assessments are completed at the end of each term; their results contribute to discussions in termly Pupil Progress Meetings and update our summative school tracker. Fortnightly arithmetic assessments ensure that children’s skills are maintained and inform teaching. The main purpose of all assessment is to always ensure that we are providing excellent provision for every child.

 We offer a tailored system of CPD that all members of staff can access. We complete staff confidence audits for both teaching staff and support staff. Following this feedback, we collate the information and provide support on a needs basis either through training in school or through accessing training from alternative providers. Regular updates are shared with teaching staff to ensure subject knowledge is always being developed and improved.

Leaders in our school prioritise the teaching of Maths. Leaders monitor the provision of Maths through learning walks in Maths sessions, work and planning scrutiny and the impact of this provision through the analysis of cohort data and individual pupil attainment and progress throughout the year.

Our children know how and why maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace through links made in lessons and through Enterprise events. They know about different ways that maths can be used to support their future potential.

Our children are observed to have acquired vocabulary, and be able to use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. They have the skills to use methods independently and show resilience when tackling problems and are observed to recognise relationships and make connections in maths lessons and across the curriculum.

Our children demonstrate the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of maths across the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract spectrum.

Our children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of learning.

Our staff are confident in the teaching of mathematics which ensures that learning and teaching is of a high quality. Through quality first teaching, guidance and effective feedback, almost all of our children achieve at least Age Related Expectations (ARE) at the end of key phases in their education. Many children progress further and achieve greater depth (GD).

By the end of Key Stage Two, children leave our school prepared for the next step in their mathematical education. They will have gained a long-term, deep and adaptable understanding of maths, which can be applied through a variety of contexts, through the mastery approach.


Supporting Maths learning at home:

To support the learning of maths at home, the White Rose Maths Digital Tool for Parents is available free of charge. This provides an ever-expanding range of digital manipulative tools helps bring to life the representations used in their materials. These manipulative tools match exactly the colours and images that your child(ren) are using in class and are compatible with all tablet devices. For more information, and to access the resources, please click the link below:

White Rose Maths Digital Tool for Parents



To support the learning of maths at home and in school, we use Mathletics. Each child has their own unique login which they can use to access Mathletics and earn points. Certificates awarded to children based on the number of points they have earned each week. Mathletics is designed to match the National Curriculum and offers children the opportunity to embed their learning from school at home. 



TT Rockstars:

To support the learning of multiplication facts at home and in school, we use TT Rockstars. Each child has their own unique login which they can use to access TT Rockstars and earn points. It helps with their rapid recall of multiplication facts. 

TT Rockstars



To support the learning of key number facts at home and in school, we use Numbots. Each child in Foundation Stage 2 - Year 2 has their own unique login which they can use to access Numbots and earn points. It helps with their rapid recall of key facts.


Year 4 Multiplication Check:

For further details regarding the Multiplication Check, please download the document.

Year 4 Multiplication check information 2024


Vocabulary Documents:

Mathematics Vocabulary - EYFS (FS1/2)

Mathematics Vocabulary - Year 1

Mathematics Vocabulary - Year 2

Mathematics Vocabulary - Year 3

Mathematics Vocabulary - Year 4

Mathematics Vocabulary - Year 5

Mathematics Vocabulary - Year 6



We celebrated the launch of England Rocks in Key Stage 2 with a TTRS day. The children were creative with their costumes and engaged with a variety of Maths challenges throughout the day.

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Learning around school:

We use working walls to support children in their learning, and the children can access these whilst completing thier learning independently. Manipulatives are used throughout school to enchance children's knowledge and understanding of key concepts. 

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Warmsworth Primary School
An outstanding,
inclusive mainstream school setting
for 3-11 year olds.
Mill Lane,
South Yorkshire
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