Personal Education (including Sex and Relationships Education)
Personal Education at Warmsworth Primary School,
including Sex and Relationships Education
At Warmsworth Primary School, we intend that Personal Education provides informative, memorable (first-hand) learning experiences which will enable children to make positive life choices so that they flourish into successful 21st century citizens.
The pupils at Warmsworth Primary School, our next generation, will understand their rights and responsibilities and develop a sense of self-worth which will enable them to use this learning to make informed and appropriate decisions.
Learning will provide all our children with a knowledge of their world: globally, nationally and locally; they will value each and everybody’s role in society.
Learning will empower children to appropriately tackle some of the many moral, social and cultural issues that occur in our diverse world.
Our key values include: self-motivation, self-awareness and self-organisation.
At Warmsworth Primary, children acquire Personal Education learning through a curriculum whiich has been planned to be delivered as discrete learning opportuniites along with learning that is rested within other curriculum subject areas and our extended curriculum offer which encourages the inlcusion of current opportune learning and experiences which reflect their increasing independence and physical social awareness. Our curriculum fulfils the 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education requirements.
Beginning in the Early Years Foundation Stage and continuing in a progressive way across both Key Stage 1 and 2, the Personal Education curriculum allows children to build on their previous learning enabling them to acquire the skills to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. The learning will also enable children to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduce them to the wider world and enable them to make active contributions to their communities.
Warmsworth Primary School’s Personal Education learning begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage with the four areas of learning identified below:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understanding the World
This learning then continues across Key Stages 1 and 2 and our school’s curriculum is planned for using the Personal, Social Health and Economic Association three core areas:
Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing
Living in the wider world.
Each of these core areas are split into three themes:
Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing
Internet Safety and Harm
Emotional Relationships
Bodies Leading to the changing adolescence body (Sex Education)
Emotional relationships and mood
Health prevention
Physical Health
Healthy Eating
Drugs Education
Basic First Aid
Caring Friendships
Respectful relationships
Families and People Who Care For Us
Online realtionships
Living in the wider world.
Belonging to a community
Diverse Britain
The strategic plan for Personal Education outlines the theme, unit and learning outcome for each year group. These have been planned in specific terms based on the needs of the wider school and community.
Personal Education Curriculum 2023
Personal Education Strategic Plan 2023.
Learning is sequenced so that it is revisited and developed annually allowing children to continue to reflect on their learning and further build and deepen their knowledge and understanding. Other learning opportunities, for the whole school in assembly times, are planned for which compliment national days; these sessions both support and enhance their Personal Education.
Each theme and unit has a sequence of questions for each year group. Children have the opportunity, through collaborative, practical and real-life learning sessions, to explore their understanding of this question and any misconceptions will be addressed so that learning is current and accurate. Learning will be as relevant to the pupils as possible taking into account: school, community, national and global news and trends. Children will be encouraged to apply their “factual” learning to real-life scenarios and will be challenged to think “what if”.
This planned, developmental programme of learning, through which children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills is fundamental to enabling children to make the best informed choices throughout their lives – choices which will protect their wellbeing as 21st Century citizens.
Teachers will have a firm understanding of what their children already know about a “topic” area before teaching. Training, March 2021, suggested that the DFE supported the use of brain storms or mind maps (class based) to establish what chidlren already know. Personal Education will not be measured by Learning Objectives in terms of data but will be judged in terms of overall progress of the child’s development and understanding of their personal education: this will, along with the social and emotional well-being of children, contribute to their personal development .
We also expose our children to age-appropriate national and international themes, through our use of BBC Newsround. These programmes form part of our wider curriculum through discussion, to support our children to become valuable citizens of the 21st Century.
Where children struggle to maintain a healthy individual personal learning experience and there is deemed a need, the school inclusion team will support with further learning.
Our curriculum and detailed sequences of learning develop our learners to become accurately informed decision makers in order for them to be the best 21st Century citizens they can.
Our children are able to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings in a climate of openness, trust and respect, and know when they can seek the support of others.
Our children are able to explain what they know and understand, they talk with confidence about how their learning has and will impact their lives for the better.
Our Personal Education curriculum has a positive impact on the whole child, including their core and foundation academic development and progress, by mitigating any social and emotional barriers to learning by empowering our children with our three key values: self-motivation, self-awareness and self-organisation.
At Warmsworth Primary School, our children - our next generation, understand their rights and responsibilities and develop a sense of self-worth which enables them to use this learning to make informed and appropriate decisions. They have been observed to have excellent knowledge of their world: globally, nationally and locally; they value each and everybody’s role in society. The level of empathy evident in the children at Warmsworth Primary School is outstanding.
Please click the links below to view our school documents and national guidance:
Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Statutory Guidance
Relationships Education Statutory Guidance
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Parents can withdraw their children from sex education, apart from the aspects covered by the science curriculum. Parents are unable to withdraw their children from relationships or health education. The school's Relationships and Sex Education curriculum can be accessedin the above link. The learning whihc referes to "sex Education" is in the link below. Should you require any further information, please contact the headteacher via the school office.
Relationships and Sex Education at Warmsworth Primary School