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Optional home learning for the summer holidays - Year 1 Summer 2021

Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 9:53am

Dear Pupils / Parents,

Please find attached a list of home learning that can be carried out over the summer holidays if you wish. There are some websites and activities that will help support your child and help them be ready for learning back at school in September.

We are looking forward to seeing you. Have a lovely summer.

Miss Spree and Mrs Westron

Reading and phonics

  • Read for at least 10 minutes a day from a book of your choice. Make sure that this book is age-appropriate and will both challenge and engage you.

Choose an activity each day from the following to complete to demonstrate your understanding and depth of reading learning:

  • Access the following websites to practise reading and blending real and nonsense words;

letters and sounds

Read Write Inc. have You Tube videos each morning focusing on set 2 and 3 sounds

  • Choose a sound and go on a sound hunt. This could be the initial sound or you could choose one from the Sound mat attached. Make a list (draw and label) all of the different objects that you find that have that sound in it.
  • Look for letters and words that you can read when you are out and about.
  • Access Spelling Frame to practise your spellings using different spelling rules. Type in the website and click on Year 1 and choose an area of learning.

  • Before you read your book, make a prediction about the characters and what might happen to them.
  • Choose any new words from the text that you have read and find out the meaning.
  • Choose your favourite character from a text that you have read, draw the character, label the parts of your character, e.g. black hat, blue eyes, long legs etc. and write some sentences about it.
  • Look at non-fiction books and discuss the different features such as contents page, index, glossary, sub-headings, diagrams with labels.
  • Share familiar stories and traditional tales, and talk about what happens and why.
  • When reading and sharing stories, listen out for words that rhyme. Which part of the word rhymes? What sound is the same?


  • Practise writing your name.
  • Practise your letter formation using the examples attached.
  • Practise writing words and spelling from the list attached.
  • Writing outside with chalk or wet brush
  • Painting words
  • Write using different media
  • Draw the weather and label. Write sentences about the weather each day.
  • Keep a diary of the activities and things you do over the summer holidays to share in school in September.

Fine motor and gross motor skills

  • Dough disco using play dough to strengthen hand muscles (there are lots of videos on You Tube). Rolling, squeezing and playing with playdough.
  • Pinching pegs. You could put letters on the pegs to make it into a sound game. Child puts the pegs on a line or paper to make a word. Use the pegs as tweezers and pick up small objects like pom poms.
  • Threading tube pasta (penne) or Cheerio’s onto thin spaghetti pasta without breaking it, or thread into a colander.
  • Practise putting on your coat and zipping it up.
  • Practise jumping on two feet and hopping from one spot to another.
  • Practise throwing and kicking a ball.
  • Can you balance along the lines in the pavement?

Use scissors to cut along straight lines, zig zag lines and around circles carefully. Find pictures in magazines and cut them out. Can you create a portrait of yourself by finding images of faces in magazines and cut them out to stick on a face template? Find the correct colours from the magazines to represent your hair and eyes.


Complete all of the following:

  • Mathletics completed daily.

  • Practise counting forwards and backwards in 1’s to 20 and then progress to 50 and 100. Do this while jumping on your trampoline or skipping in the garden. Can you count how many steps you have to go upstairs?
  • Practise of counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Pair up the socks and count in 2’s. Use money to practise counting in multiples. Maybe save 2, 5 and 10p coins and then count them at the end of a week to see how much you’ve saved.
  • Practise all times tables using maths frame

  • Continue to work on number bonds to 10.
  • Add a two one-digit numbers together to make 10.
  • Use vocabulary such as; one more, one less, larger, smaller, taller, longer, shorter to compare numbers and lengths.
  • Go on a 2D and 3D shape hunt around the garden and house. What shapes can you find? Cut 2D shapes out and spread them out. Have your child work from one end of the room to the other only jumping on a particular shape.

Look for numbers in the environment. What can you see?

Cross Curricular

In September we will become scientists and learn about our bodies and the different parts.

  • Sing ‘Heads, shoulders, knees and toes’ and do the actions to understand where the different parts of your body are.
  • Draw or paint a yourself and then label parts of your body.
  • Paint pictures and mix secondary colours. Discuss how you have made the colours.
  • There are some good free apps to help develop your child’s typing skills and key board skills such as ‘The Vehicle Typing’.
  • Practise jumping using both legs, practise hopping.
  • Before you start any exercise, feel your heart and describe what is happening. After your exercise do the same, has anything changed? How is your heart beating now?
  • Ride your bike or scooter.
  • Listen to different styles of music. Talk to your grown-ups about their favourite artist or song. Share some of the music they listened to whilst they were growing up. Do you like it? Explain.
  • Create a musical instrument and play a beat.

Please see below further resources:

Handwriting Sheet

Sound Mat Sheet

Spellings to Practise

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inclusive mainstream school setting
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Mill Lane,
South Yorkshire
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